Oplast specializes in manufacturing top quality injection molded parts in mono as well as two and three components (co-injection, over molding) from many varieties and combinations of thermoplastic commodity resins, engineering grade resins (filled and unfilled) and elastomeric materials (TPE/TPU)
We provide complete and flexible injection molding services using comprehensive processing expertise and state of the art equipment in a professional, customer-focused environment. Our Staff of Designers, Engineers and Tool Makers have a comprehensive combined experience with backgrounds in many complex applications for different industries.
Technical and precision injection molded parts up to 800g shot weight and up to 3 different co-injected materials per part on CNC controlled machines up to 3000kN - 24h a day
Oplast d.o.o., Tepanje 63, 3210 Slovenske Konjice, Slovenia • T +386 3 757 2000 • E info@oplast.si • • Terms of Use